
Sunday, July 8, 2007

Does Anyone Read This Blog?

Some of you may know that I have three blogs. I just added an internal blog in my website. All my blogs have the same subject: my glass projects from day to day.

I am a bit overwhelmed with three blogs.

Let me know what you think about eliminating one of my blogs.

Does anybody read this blog? Do you read my other blogs?


Check out my Fused Glass Creations!

Check out my other Glass Blog!


Anonymous said...

Why have three? Are they different? Different subjects, different content? If not, drop two of them. Just consolidate. I don't understand having multiples unless they are on different subjects.


business stationery printing said...

Yes I read the blog, it is good, isn't it?

Christine said...

I'm glad you are reading my blog! I haven't been adding any new posts to this blog, because I decided to use my wordpress blog.

To read that blog, go to:


HippieLawyer said...

I just found you, but I think that three blogs is too many. You should just post on one.

Christine said...

I have one blog now. Check it out here:



scott said...

Yes I read the blog. 1 blog is better though.

Unknown said...

I know the feelings - do what you're passionate about and your audience will follow. Good luck!

Glass Dry Erase Board said...

Keep up the good work! You only have 86,400 seconds in a day - make them count!

Anythinginstainedglass said...

i am pleased to read your 3 blogs

Arizona Glass said...

Why do you need three blogs? I have a hard time with just one.three blogs is too many. You should just post on one.

Christine said...

I have only one blog now and I have trouble keeping up with it. I don't know how I was able to handle three at one time.

Of course, now there is Facebook and Twitter. How can someone keep up with all the new things coming out?
